
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Persuasive Writing

This writing is about what I want to have on our playground.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Things that I love to do at school and at home

Hi readers.Today I'm going to tell you about some of the things that I like to do at school and at home. At home I like to watch My Little Pony on the tv and  listen to
My Little Pony songs.Sometimes my sister watches it with me and when we are watching tv I eat popcorn and  nutella sandwiches.
At school I like to read  chapter books about  Ella and Olivia.They are sisters and they like to play sports.I like reading stories about people being nice to each other.

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Bear Plays piano Reporter.


Reporter: Liyahn Castro

Last Saturday evening, a bear played an amazing piano concert in New York City.
The bear arrived in New York City earlier in the year and found a piano in a back alley. He taught himself to play music by listening to songs on the radio. He had to practice playing the piano at New York City. Then he started playing the piano at  movie shows. Everyone was clapping at the bear then they threw flowers at him because he played the piano so well. The bear was so happy until he realized that he missed being at home with his friends.He was thinking that when is he going to go home.He thought his friends and family would be happy to see him go home. He went on the boat and drove back to his home. He wanted to tell his friends and family what he had done in New York.

A member of the audience told a reporter that. The bear can be famous the bear says “Yes!”. He was so happy until? He was sitting on top of the hotel's roof and then he thought that he missed his home and friends.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The bear and the piano

Hi i'm going to about the bear and the piano.
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