
Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 Kia ora everyone,

Welcome back to my blog post.

Today I learnt about logos, the Art teacher said to pick 3 or 5 images of logos you like. I pick 5 but one of them have a lot of logos. I didn't add much words but I think this is good.

Here is what I have done so far, hope you like it.

Thank you so much for coming to my blog post. Please leave a comment and have an amazing day!

Friday, February 19, 2021


 Kia ora everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today i'll be posting about Heroes, I don't know how long it took me but I hope you like this.

Here is the screenshot about the Heroes I wrote.

Thank you all for coming to my blog post. Please leave a comment and have an amazing day!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Counting the Beat: 3

 Kia ora readers,

Today I learnt about different types of guitars. I'll be telling you about Counting the Beat Part 3. I know I haven't show Part 2 and 1 but I think I should do part 3 instead.

So what my teacher showed us different Types of guitars. I only remember some of the guitars but I hope this is enough. 

We also have to do this in our book

 Tittle: The Guitar

What does it do Make sounds like music

Who made it____ I'm not sure about this one.

When_18,000s I think

  • Oud I think that's one
  • Lute also that
  • Electric guitar
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Bass guitar
  • Mini
  • Travel
  • Spanish Guitar
  • Air Guitar (that's kind of a weird name for a guitar)
That's all I remembered.  If you don't know some of them that's okay you can search it up on google if you want to. 

Thank you all so much for coming to my blog post. Please leave a comment and have a amazing day!