I am a Year 7 student in the Uru MÄnuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
I think the puzzle is cool and fun because even they have different shapes, they can still fit inside the box by moving it and place on the right spot.
Wow! Liyahn! What fabulous videos! I got so excited when I saw all the videos of you showing your maths. Now I have so many questions. What were you writing down? What did you figure out?
Wow! Liyahn! What fabulous videos! I got so excited when I saw all the videos of you showing your maths. Now I have so many questions. What were you writing down? What did you figure out?