
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Narrative Writing - Magic Biscuits

Kia ora everyone,

Today I am going to share to you my narrative about Magic Biscuits. I hope you will like my story.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Brian, who lived in a small town. He had two dogs,
named Ponggo and Ginger, a chihuahua and a pomeranian. He really loved them and always fed
them with dog food and biscuits.
Brian had often bought things from the market that had turned out to be the most outrageous,
disappointing fakes. But one day, there was an old man approached Brian from nowhere.
" I would love to share my biscuits with you. It will give you a stronger and bigger body." He said.
Brian curiously accepted the biscuits and went home. Brian had presumed it was a magic biscuits
so he  can give it to his dogs and the effects would be exactly the same as the old man told him.
Ponggo and Ginger ate all the biscuits. But unexpectedly, the dogs became rapidly bigger than
humans. Brian was shocked and did not know what to do. He blamed the stranger for giving him
biscuits. "That creepy old man gave me a cursed biscuits.'' Brian said angrily.
Brian could not keep his dogs inside the house. He called the attention of his father, Peter, a
carpenter, and asked to help him build two dog houses for them to stay. Brian looked for two
enormous tractor tires so he could fed his dogs every morning. A mountain of dog food, a gallon
of water and a safe distance between himself and his overgrown chums.
Brian felt exhausted from taking care of his gigantic pets. He decided  to look for the old man who
gave him the magic biscuits in the market. ''Maybe there is a solution to bring back my dog in to
their normal size.'' Brian whispered. He rushed up to the market, looked over the place. Luckily, he
found the old man. Brian was hesitant at first but he was determined to find a solution. He drew
near the old man and said, "You offered me some magic biscuits and I gave it to my dogs instead.
But they became gigantic after they ate it. I want my pets to restore to their original size. I feel
exhausted taking care of them. What should I do?'' Brian begging for answers.
The old man instructed, ''Go to the forest and look for the magic water fountain inside the cave.
It is not easy to enter it. You must bring a machete to clear bushes and remove small branches and
plants. A gallon water bottle so you can collect the magic water and allow your pets to drink it. Then,
they will restore  to their original size.''
Brian immediately brought his machete and a gallon water bottle and departed to the forest. Soon
after clearing his path to the cave, he entered and saw the magic water fountain. Brian filled up his
gallon water bottle and went home straight away. He put  the magic water in the tractor tires.
Ponggo and Ginger licked all of it. Then in just a few minutes, they shrank and returned to their
original size. Brian was really happy and contented. He could not ask for more.

What had happened when Brian fed the biscuits to his dogs?
Brian’s pets became gigantic dogs.

How quickly did they grow to this size do you think?
They grew rapidly after they ate the magic biscuits.

Did Brian give the biscuits to anything/anyone else?
No, he did not give it to anyone else.

Have the creatures stopped growing?
Yes, they did stop growing.

How will Brian keep them as pets?
Brian and his father built two enormous dog houses for them to stay.

What are the benefits/problems with having such enormous pets?
The problems are they are too big to take care of, like giving lots of food and water for them to eat
and drink. Brian felt exhausted.

Is there a way for Brian to restore his animals to their original size?
Yes. He departed to the forest to find the magic water fountain in the cave. He collected a gallon
of water and gave it to his pets and allowed them to drink it. Then they restore to their original size.

To get magic water in the cave, Brian needed: a machete, a gallon water bottle and the courage
to face some challenges to get inside the cave.

The dogs ate the biscuits and they rapidly grew higher than humans. Now they are big. They need
to eat an enormous amount of food.

Thank you for reading my blog post. Please leave a comment and have a wonderful day!


  1. Que bien Liyahn,
    That is a lot of work!
    I was wondering if he drank the water himself if he would have got smaller too! Do you think so?
    I think for the sick sentences Miss D. wanted some some more interesting words put in such as adjectives. Eg. for the last sentence "They need to eat an enormous amount of food." This would make it a better sentence.
    Do you think that it sounds better?

  2. Thank you Diane. I will try to change the sick sentence into better sentence.
